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How Hawks Can Help With Urban Pest Control

Urban areas now often face challenges with nuisance birds, especially with pigeons and seagulls. This can lead to significant property damage and also poses a number of health hazards.

While traditional control methods aren’t always effective or environmentally friendly, the use of hawks as a natural and efficient solution is a service we offer at Pest Defence. That’s why this month, we want to discuss the role of hawks and falconry in urban pest control.

How Hawks Can Help With Urban Pest Control - Pest Defence

Common issues caused by birds

Pest birds present a number of common issues in urban spaces, including:

  • An accumulation of droppings. This not only creates structural damage, but their accumulation presents a health hazard and a slip hazard.
  • Noise pollution during daily activities. The high-pitch cawing and crowing of birds can be both distracting and even overwhelming when an entire flock amasses.
  • Aggressive behaviour. Whether during nesting season or simply because the birds have become bolder over time, this can present a safety concern for the public and visitors.
  • Nesting materials block ventilation. Because birds like to nest high up in remote ledges, their nests can eventually block essential ventilation and guttering systems.

Why urban areas are attracting birds

So why are urban areas now attracting so many birds to the point that they become a problem? There are three main reasons for this:

  1. We provide an abundance of food for them. Our waste generates enough food to make it viable for them to not only survive but to thrive in urban spaces.
  2. We have created the perfect structures for them to nest on, with our tall buildings and ledges mimicking natural locations where they feel safe.
  3. There are fewer natural predators in city environments for pigeons and gulls to worry about.

Why hawks are the ideal solution

The use of hawks aims to tackle that third point, presenting a natural predator to most pest bird species and encouraging them to relocate elsewhere. The presence of a predator means the pest bird will be deterred from settling in that area, making it a humane way to protect urban spaces.

How hawks work in specific urban settings

How Hawks Work In Specific Urban Settings - Pest Defence

Falcons and hawks can cover large areas swiftly, making their presence known, which means they’re ideal for some of the following urban settings:

Hospitals and university campuses –

In hospitals and university campuses, hygiene and cleanliness are important. Hawks can be used to prevent pest birds from nesting on buildings where they would otherwise pose a health hazard and block ventilation outlets when nesting.

Shopping complexes and sporting venues

In high foot traffic areas and spaces where there are lots of steps, hawks can be used to keep nuisance birds away. This prevents slip hazards from accumulating droppings but also means visitors are not pestered by birds for food scraps.

Coastal towns

Seagulls are most commonly attracted to coastal areas, creating a disturbance for visitors and local businesses. Using falconry to deter gulls from tourist spots can make for a more safe and enjoyable experience for everyone.

Falconry for pest management across Essex and beyond

Falconry For Pest Management - Pest Defence

If you’re experiencing issues with nuisance birds at your location, whether you operate a business or work for the local authority, at Pest Defence we offer a leading hawking service. We work in urban areas to help deter pest bird populations, providing a swift and humane service that won’t impact your operations.

Contact us today to learn more about urban pest control methods using hawking and falconry wherever you are in London, Essex and beyond.


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